
The article presents a description of Elk after World War 2, seen from a perspective ofindividuals. The pictures of the town are based on the memories of 15 people, who live in Elknowadays. The selection of respondents was targeted. The group is differentiated in the categories:age and place of origin. Among the interviewees there are people, who were living in Elk and thenearby areas before World War 2, also those who moved there after the war from Vilnius Region,Republic of Lithuania, nearby areas of Grodno (Hrodna) and Nowogrod, Suwalki Region, Regionof Kurpie, surrounding areas of Grajewo and Szczuczyn, and finally those who were born afterWorld War 2 in Elk and in other places. The respondents see Elk differently, because they havebeen living there during various historical periods, however their individual perceptions andmemories were taken into consideration. The following questions have been asked: what typesof accommodation were Elk citizens living after World War 2, how they perceived their city indifferent historical periods, what were they doing for living, how looked their cultural life, whatwere their social relations? Data analysis, based on the interviews, answers above questions andpresents subjective picture of everyday live. The article presents many aspects of life common forpeople from various social backgrounds

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