
Abstract The northwestern Qaidam Basin exposes one of the largest and highest elevation yardang fields on Earth. The aim of the present study was to describe the distribution and morphology of these yardangs, and analyze the factors responsible for the distribution pattern of these aeolian landforms. The yardang fields are bounded by piedmont alluvial–diluvial fans from the mountain ranges surrounding the basin, except in the south, where they are bounded by dune fields, dry salt flats, lakes, and rivers. This distribution pattern can be attributed to regional tectogenesis and its corresponding environmental impacts. The morphology of the yardangs varies considerably in response to the diverse factors that control their formation and evolution. Long-ridge yardangs are mainly located in the northernmost part of the yardang field, and the long ridges are gradually dissected into smaller ridges in the downwind direction. Further downwind, the convergence of northerly and northwesterly winds and the effects of temporary runoff cause the ridges to gradually transition into mesa yardangs. Saw-toothed crests, and conical and pyramidal yardangs, occur in groups on folded brachyanticlinal structures. Typical whaleback yardangs are found in the southeast, at the northern margin of Dabuxun Lake. Morphological parameters vary among the yardang types. The orientation of the yardangs in the northernmost area is nearly N–S, with a transition towards NW–SE in the southernmost area in response to a change in the dominant wind direction that results from the orientations and positions of the mountain ranges that surround the basin.

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