
Collision of the Yakutat terrane with southern Alaska created a collisional fold-and-thrust belt along the Pacific―North America plate boundary. This southvergent fold-and-thrust belt formed within continental sedimentary rocks but with the seaward vergence and tectonic position typical of an accretionary wedge. Northward exposure ofprogressively olderrocks reflects that the fold-and-thrust belt forms a southward-tapered orogenic wedge that increases northward in structural relief and depth of erosion. Narrow, sharp anticlines separate wider, flat-bottomed synclines. Relatively steep thrust faults commonly cut the forelimbs of anticlines. Fold shortening and fault displacement both generally increase northward, whereas fault dip generally decreases northward. The coal-bearing lower part of the sedimentary section serves as a detachment for both folds and thrust faults. The folded and faulted sedimentary section defines a regional south dip of about 8°. The structural relief combined with the low magnitude of shortening of the sedimentary section suggest that the underlying basement is structurally thickened. I propose a new interpretation in which this thickening was accommodated by a passive-roof duplex with basement horses that are separated from the overlying folded and thrust-faulted sedimentary cover by a roof thrust with a backthrust sense of motion. Basement horses are ∼7 km thick, based on the thickness between the inferred roof thrust and the top of the basement in offshore seismic reflection data. This thickness is consistent with the depth of the zone of seismicity onshore. The inferred zone of detachment and imbrication of basement corresponds with the area of surface exposure of the fold-and-thrust belt within the Yakutat terrane and with the Wrangell subduction zone and arc farther landward. By contrast, to the west, the crust of the Yakutat terrane has been carried down a subduction zone that extends far landward with a gentle dip, corresponding with a gap in arc magmatism, anomalous topography, and the rupture zone of the 1964 great southern Alaska earthquake. I suggest that, to the east, detachment and imbrication of basement combined with coupling in the fold-and-thrust belt allowed the delaminated dense mantle lithosphere to subduct with a steeper dip than to the west, where buoyant Yakutat terrane crust remains attached to the subducted lithosphere. According to this interpretation, the Wrangell subduction zone is lithosphere of the Yakutat terrane, not Pacific Ocean lithosphere subducted beneath the Yakutat terrane. The Pacific-North America plate boundary would be within the northern deformed part of the Yakutat terrane, not along the boundary between the undeformed southern part of the Yakutat terrane and oceanic crust of the Pacific Ocean. The plate boundary is an evolving zone of distributed deformation in which most of the convergent component has been accommodated within the fold-and-thrust belt south of the northern boundary of the Yakutat terrane, the Chugach-St. Elias thrust fault, and most of the right-lateral component likely has been accommodated on the Bagley Icefield fault just to the north.

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