
This is the story about a Latina, Matilde Aragón, whose courageous leadership resulted in an equity-driven education for students designated as English learners (ELs) who had been cheated for several years. The story takes place in Palomas Independent School District (ISD), located on the border of Mexico and the US, serving over 60,000 students: 80% Hispanic, 70% economically disadvantaged, and 25% English learners. The superintendent and administration before Matilde had been part of a large-scale impropriety, forcing students to drop out—los desaparecidos. They improperly and unethically kept low-performing students out of tested grade levels by promoting or holding them back. After all was uncovered a new superintendent recruited Matilde as Deputy Superintendent responsible for all academics and school leadership. Committed to challenging social, cultural, and economic inequalities, she disrupted mindsets in a system that historically had damaged the lives of many students. Her purpose was to establish a plan with underlying principles for district-wide dual language bilingual education as the program of choice for ELs in Palomas ISD. This case highlights the courage and actions of equity-oriented leadership in realizing DLBE implementation at every level districtwide in Palomas ISD: Not one more! ¡Ya basta!

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