
Xylitol production from xylose was studied using recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae 2805 containing xylose reductase genes ( XYL1) of Pichia stipitis at chromosomal δ-sequences. S. cerevisiae 2805-39-40, which contains about 40 copies of the XYL1 gene on the chromosome, was obtained by a sequential transformation using a dominant selection marker neo r and an auxotrophic marker URA3. The multiple XYL1 genes were stably maintained on the chromosome even after 21 and 10 days in the non-selective sequential batch and chemostat cultures, respectively, whereas S. cerevisiae 2805:pVTXR, which harbors the episomal plasmid pVTXR having the XYL1 gene, showed mitotic plasmid instability and more than 95% of the cells lost the plasmid under the same culture conditions. In the first batch (3 days) of the sequential batch culture, volumetric xylitol productivity was 0.18 g l −1 h −1 for S. cerevisiae 2805-39-40, as compared to 0.21 g l −1 h −1 for S. cerevisiae 2805:pVTXR. However, the xylitol productivity of the latter started to decrease rapidly in the third batch and dropped to 0.04 g l −1 h −1 in the seventh batch, whereas the former maintained the stable xylitol productivity at 0.18 g l −1 h −1 through the entire sequential batch culture. The xylitol production level in the chemostat culture was about 8 g l −1 for S. cerevisiae 2805-39-40, as compared to 2.0 g l −1 for S. cerevisiae 2805:pVTXR after 10 days of cultures even though the xylitol production level of the latter was higher than that of the former for the first 5 days. The results of this experiment indicate that S. cerevisiae containing the multiple XYL1 genes on the chromosome is much more efficient for the xylitol production in the long-term non-selective culture than S. cerevisiae harboring the episomal plasmid containing the XYL1 gene.

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