
For a number of years I have been collecting specimens and conducting an investigation into the craniological characters of the native inhabitants of our great Indian Empire, and several hundred skulls have now been under examination, and almost all have been measured. The sources to which I have been indebted for material are in part the collection of crania belonging to the Henderson Trustees, long known as the Edinburgh Phrenological Museum, and now deposited by the Trustees in the Anatomical Museum of the University; in part, a few specimens belonging to the University collected by my predecessors in office; in part, the valuable series of Indian crania belonging to the Indian Museum, Calcutta, which through the intercession of Dr John Anderson, F.R.S., the former Director, the Trustees of that Museum, with great liberality, most courteously permitted me to have the loan of for purposes of study; and lastly, a number of crania which have been forwarded to me by friends and former pupils, engaged in the public service in India, to whom I take this opportunity of expressing my indebtedness for the valuable material which I have received from them.

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