
On the development of R . In the following method of developing the disturbing function, the coefficients of the inequalities corresponding to any given order are expressed in terms of the coefficients of the inferior orders; so that, for example, the coefficients of the terms in the disturbing function multiplied by the squares of the eccentricities, are given analytically by means of the coefficients of those independent of the eccentricities, and of those multiplied by their first powers. As the theorems to which this method gives rise, are of great simplicity, I trust they will not be thought unworthy attention. By their means and with the assistance of the table given in my Lunar Theory, the expressions may be obtained, which are necessary for the development of R , as far as the fourth powers of the eccentricities inclusive; it may easily be carried to any extent, and the expressions given by Burckhardt in the Mémoires de l'Institut, 1808, may be verified without difficulty. This method is peculiarly advantageous in the lunar theory, and for the terms in R dependent on powers of the eccentricities above the squares; for the expression thus obtained for the coefficients of the terms dependent on the squares and products of the eccentricities in the planetary theory, is by no means so simple or so convenient for numerical calculation as that given in the Phil. Trans. 1831, p. 295. A similar method is applicable to the terms dependent on the inclinations.

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