
The XXVth ICPEAC in Freiburg marked a notable anniversary in collision physics: half a century ago the first conference in the series of International Conferences on the Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions (ICPEAC) was held in New York (1958). Since then, the development of electronic and atomic collision physics has seen tremendous progress. Starting during a time, when this field was regarded as somehow out-of-date, certainly not being in the main stream compared to particle and high-energy physics, it has expanded in a rather exceptional and unforeseen way. Over the years the original scope on electronic, atomic and heavy-ion collision physics was extended substantially to include upcoming expanding fields like synchrotron-radiation and strong-field laser-based atomic and molecular physics giving rise to a change of name to 'Photonic', Electronic and Atomic Collisions (ICPEAC) being used for the first time for the ICPEAC in Santa Fee in 2001. Nowadays, the ICPEAC has opened its agenda even more widely to other fields of atomic and molecular physics, such as interactions with clusters, bio-molecules and surfaces, to cold collisions, coherent control, femto- and attosecond physics and, with the Freiburg conference, to the application of free-electron lasers in the vacuum ultraviolet and soft x-ray regime, a field of potentially huge future impact in essentially all areas of science. In this larger context the XXVth ICPEAC in Freiburg with more than 800 participants set new standards. Representatives from all fields of Atomic, Molecular and Photon-based science came together and had very fruitful, inter-disciplinary discussions. This new forum of collision-based AMP physics will serve as a showcase example of future conferences, bridging not only the gap between different fields of collision physics but also, equally important, between different continents and cultures. The next ICPEAC is going to take place in Kalamazoo in North America, the one after that in Belfast back in Europe, and the subsequent one, 2013 in Lanzhou, will be the first one ever held in China. A great perspective for this ever-growing field of science! Uwe Becker (Fritz-Haber-Institut, Berlin) Robert Moshammer (Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik, Heidelberg) Paul Mokler (Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt) Joachim Ullrich (Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik, Heidelberg) Editors Relaxed atmosphere for discussions during coffee breaks at ICPEAC XXV in Freiburg. The PDF file contains details of previous conferences, sponsors, exhibitors and committees.

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