
The present paper provides a short review of leading Israeli parties' positions on key issues. The list of issues was compiled based on the authors’ choice and understanding of the political and social conditions prevalent in the country today. The list includes items such as judicial (legal system) reform, the status of Judea and Samaria, the 2nd amendment right to self-defense, questions of taxation and spending, and others. The paper provides a formal classification of leftist and rightist parties to test the following hypotheses. Rightist parties' positions are less stable and less consistent than those of the Left. A study of these positions yields evidence of greater consistency in Leftist party positions in Israel, along with rightist parties’ extremely limited ability to keep their promises. This state of affairs can be explained by considerations of a general nature (e.g., universal suffrage makes voters gradually swing toward the Left) and by factors of local origin. The real power of elected, accountable bodies in Israel is significantly more restricted – while the authority enjoyed by a self-perpetuating court system, public media, and governmental bureaucracy is noticeably greater – than in most old democracies.

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