
Austria relations which was mentioned as “Bec” or “Nemce” in Ottoman diplomacy literatur can be dated to 16th century. In this period, struggles which started with Mohac Battle between Austria which was the strongest state of west and Ottomans which was the strongest state of east continued until the end of 17th century. Initially Ottomans had a superior position in the three century mentioned. This superiority finished in the beginning of 17th century and the superiority of Austria emerged in the beginning of 18th century. In this article, Ottoman-Austria relations which started in 1526 and continued until 1791 in 18th century is evaluated. The reflections of Political and martical changes in the new period started with Pasarofca treaty in 1718 to diplomacy is discussed. The main aim is to show the changes in Ottoman diplomacy in 18th century parallel with martial and politic changes and the influence of Austria relations of the term to these changes. .

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