
Kazan Federal University has held the annual International Youth School "Coherent Optics and OpticalSpectroscopy" since 1997. The choice of the topic is not accidental. Kazan is the home of photonecho which was predicted at Kazan Physical-Technical Institute in 1963 by Prof. U.G. Kopvil'em andV.R. Nagibarov and observed in Columbia University by N.A. Kurnit, I.D. Abella, and S.R. Hartmann in1964. Since then, photon echo has become a powerful tool of coherent optical spectroscopy and opticalinformation processing, which have been developed here in Kazan in close collaboration between KazanPhysical-Technical Institute and Kazan Federal University. The main subjects of the XVIII InternationalYouth School are: Nonlinear and coherent optics; Atomic and molecular spectroscopy; Coherent laserspectroscopy; Problems of quantum optics; Quantum theory of radiation; and Nanophotonics and ScanningProbe Microscopy. The unchallenged organizers of that school are Kazan Federal University andKazan E.K. Zavoisky Physical-Technical Institute. The rector of the School is Professor MyakzyumSalakhov, and the vice-rector is Professor Vitaly Samartsev.The International Youth Scientific School "Coherent Optics and Optical Spectroscopy" follows the globalpattern of comprehensive studies of matter properties and their interaction with electromagnetic fields.Since 1997 more than 100 famous scientists from the USA, Germany, Ukraine, Belarus and Russia havegiven plenary lecture presentations. Here over 1000 young scientists had an opportunity to participatein lively discussions about the latest scientific news. Many young people have submitted interestingreports on photonics, quantum electronics, laser physics, quantum optics, traditional optical and laserspectroscopy, non-linear optics, material science and nanotechnology. Here we are publishing the fullsizepapers prepared from the most interesting lectures and reports selected by the Program Committeeof the School.The International Youth Scientific School "Coherent Optics and Optical Spectroscopy" was greatly supportedby The Optical Society of America, the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, the non-profitDynasty Foundation, the Tatarstan Academy of Science, and the Ministry of Education and Science ofthe Russian Federation. It is a pleasure to thank the sponsors and all the participants and contributorswho made the International School meeting possible and interesting.

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