
The two localities are situated just north of the Mugdock and Craigmaddie Reservoirs, Glasgow Corporation Waterworks. The strata in which the fossiliferous beds occur belong to the Craigmaddie Muir Sandstones which form a local base to the Calciferous Sandstone sediments overlying the volcanic rocks of the Campsie Hills. The Craigmaddie Sandstones in the area dealt with consist almost entirely of a rather pure, white freestone markedly false-bedded both on a large and on a small scale. In two exposures, however, small lenticles of grey shale containing plant-remains occur in the sandstone. Locality No. 1.—This locality is a disused sandstone quarry situated three-quarters of a mile south-east of Mugdock village and a third of a mile west of Bankend Cottage. The map references are:— Ordnance Survey One-inch Sheet 72, National Grid 567763. Geological Survey One-inch Map of the Glasgow District (1931); Six-inch Sheet Dumbarton N. 20 S.W. At this locality approximately 20 feet of sandstone are seen with an impersistent lenticle of shale and thinly-bedded sandstone having a maximum thickness of about 2 feet. Plant-fragments are numerous in the shale and some sandstone casts of stems also occur. The following have been determined:— Diplotmena dissectum Brongt. sp.: rachises and petioles abundant. Asterocalamites (Archaeocalamites) scrobiculatus Schlot. sp.: mainly as sandstone casts; one of these is now in the Hunterian Museum Collection, No. P. C. 2326. A number of stems showing Lyginopteris type of cortex. Locality No. 2.—This locality is a disused sandstone quarry situated in the wood about a quarter of a This 250-word extract was created in the absence of an abstract Acknowledgment is made to Professor J. Walton for the identification of the plants.

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