
No educated Jew of Second Temple times could have ignored the question: 'Where shall wisdom be found?', because the Bible poses it forcibly. A direct answer was given by Jesus ben Sira, a traditional Jew of Jerusalem, in a wisdom book written around 190 bce. The complete work survives in a translation of the Hebrew into Greek made by ben Sira's grandson in Egypt towards the end of the second century bce. This was included in the version of the Bible commonly called Septuagint under the title Sirach or Wisdom of Sirach; and it is our primary witness to chapter 24 of ben Sira's book, in which he clearly stated where wisdom was to be found. This chapter deals with the Greek version of ben Sira's poem, and seeks to elucidate an aspect of it which seems to have been unjustly neglected.Keywords: Bible; Greek version; Jesus ben Sira; Jew; Second Temple; Septuagint; Wisdom of Sirach

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