
Reviewed by: XV Congress of the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies: Munich, 2013 eds. by Wolfgang Kraus, Michaël N. Van Der Meer, and Martin Meiser Larry Perkins wolfgang kraus, michaël n. van der meer, and martin meiser (eds.), XV Congress of the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies: Munich, 2013 (SCS 64; Atlanta: SBL Press, 2016). Pp. viii + 796. Paper €100. This volume contains forty-six of fifty-nine papers presented at the fifteenth congress of the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies held in Munich in August 2013 (the remaining papers are slated for publication in other journals or volumes). The editors have organized the papers into three sections: textual criticism, philology, and interpretation and reception, a classification that also reflects the way in which the sessions at the conference were arranged. The textual criticism section contains sixteen papers: Marcus Sigismund, "Der antiochenische Text im Buch JosuaLXX und seine Bedeutung für die älteste Septuaginta—Eine erste Reevaluation"; Seppo Sipilä, "How to Find Out the Transgressor? A Textual Problem of Joshua 7:14-18"; Nathan LaMontagne, "Reconsidering the Relationship of A and B in LXX Judges"; Anneli Aejmelaeus, "Lectio Difficilior and the Difficulties of the Critical Text: A Case Study from the Septuagint of 1 Samuel 14:47"; Jean Koulagna, "Literary Problems in the Textual Transmission of 1 Kings: The MT and the LXX"; Staffan Olofsson, [End Page 167] "The Translation of and the Homogeneity of LXX Psalms"; Lorenzo Cuppi, "Scribes and Translators: Text-Critical use of Translations of a Translation: Proverbs 8:31 as a Case Study"; John D. Meade, "The Significance of RA 788 for a Critical Edition of the Hexaplaric Fragments of Job"; Peter J. Gentry, "Did Origen Use the Aristarchian Signs in the Hexapla?"; Reinhart Ceulemans, "Theodoret and the Antiochene Text of Psalms"; Edgar Kellenberger, "Die griechischen und syrischen Erzählvarianten in 'Bel et Draco' als Hinweise auf den Charackter des Überlieferungsprozesses"; Jouni Harjumäki, "The Armenian 1 Samuel"; S. Peter Cowe, "The Strata of the Armenian Version of Cantica Examined for Contrasting Translation Technique and Witness to Their Greek Parent Texts"; Bonifatia Gesche, "Die altlateinischen Übersetzungen des Buches Esdras A´ in ihrer Beziehung zur griechischen Vorlage"; Natia Dundua, "The Textual Value of the Old Georgian Version of Ecclesiastes"; Anna Kharanauli, "Battling the Myths: What Language Was the Georgian Amos Translated From?" The section on philology contains sixteen papers: James K. Aitken, "The Septuagint and Egyptian Translation Methods"; Takamitsu Muraoka, "Passivization in Septuagint Greek"; Raija Sollamo, "Reflexive Pronouns in the Greek Pentateuch"; Philippe LeMoigne, "Pour une poétique du nominatif absolu dans la LXX d'Esaïe"; William A. Ross, "Lexical Possibilities in LXX Research: Revision and Expansion"; Marieke Dhont, "Literary Features in the First Cycle of Speeches in LXX Job"; W. Edward Glenny, "Translation Technique in the Minor Prophets"; Daniela Scialabba, "What Does the Noun ἀγνόημα Mean in Judith 5:20?"; Arie van der Kooij, "On the Use of ἀλλόφυλος in the Septuagint"; Andrew Bowden, "A Semantic Investigation of Desire in 4 Maccabees and Its Bearing on Romans 7:7"; James A. E. Mulroney, "The Standardization of Translation Choice for with the LXX-Pentateuch: ἵνα τί as a Neolinguistic Phrase"; Patrick Pouchelle, "The use of νουθετέω in the Old Greek of Job and Its Consequences"; Christopher J. Fresch, "The Peculiar Occurrences of οὖν in the Septuagint of Genesis and Exodus"; Eberhard Bons, "The Meanings of the Noun σκάνδαλον in the Book of Judith"; Paul Danove, "A Case Frame Description of the Usages of τίθημι in the Septuagint"; Miika Tucker, "Using Recurring Hebrew Phrases to Evaluate a Septuagint Translation: Jeremiah 11:1-14 as a Case Study." The last section focuses on interpretation and reception and contains fourteen papers: Ekaterina Matusova, "Deuteronomy Reworked, or Composition of the Narrative in the Letter of Aristeas"; Jason M. Zurawski, "From Musar to Paideia, from Torah to Nomos: How the Translation of the Septuagint Impacted the Paideutic Ideal in Hellenistic Judaism"; Jan Joosten, "Legal Hermeneutics and the Tradition Underlying the Septuagint"; Michaël N. van der Meer, "Literary and Textual History of Joshua 2"; Sven Lesemann, "'Und Gideon starb in einem guten Greisenalter'—Ein Fall von theological exegesis in LXX Ri 8,32a?"; Martin Meiser, "The Septuagint Translation of the...

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