
We explore the X-ray properties of the young stellar and substellar objects in the open cluster IC 348 as seen in our deep Chandra X-Ray Observatory Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer image. First, we give identifications of all X-ray sources and determine upper limits for the X-ray luminosities of the undetected cluster members. Then we analyze the X-ray spectra of the young stellar objects, deriving plasma temperatures between ~0.7 and ~3 keV for the T Tauri stars in IC 348 and higher temperatures, between ~3 and ~7 keV, for flaring sources and two embedded young stellar objects. We find several large X-ray flares, in some of which a clear hardening of the X-ray spectra during the flare peak is seen. Next we use the exceptional optical, infrared, and X-ray data set of this cluster to study various correlations and their implications, and to discuss new answers to some long-standing questions related to X-ray emission from young (sub)stellar objects. The X-ray luminosities of the young low-mass stars are strongly correlated to the stellar bolometric luminosities (LX ~ 10-4 × Lbol). Also, a good correlation between X-ray luminosity and stellar mass is found (LX ∝ M2). For the weak-line T Tauri stars we find a tight correlation between X-ray activity and chromospheric activity (LX ∝ L), supporting the hypothesis that the chromosphere is heated by X-rays from the overlying corona. The observed X-ray properties of the brown dwarfs (and brown dwarf candidates) are very similar to those of late-type stars; we explain this behavior as the consequence of the fact that very young substellar objects are still warm enough to maintain partially ionized atmospheres, which are capable of sustaining electrical currents, while in the cooler neutral atmospheres of L and T dwarfs such currents are shut off (hence no X-ray emission). Finally, we explore the difference between the X-ray luminosity functions of classical and weak-line T Tauri stars. We find that the classical T Tauri stars in IC 348 seem to be on average less X-ray luminous than the weak-line T Tauri stars. However, we suggest that this apparent difference is caused by a selection effect: there is a strong detections bias against those weak-line T Tauri stars that are optically faint and hence X-ray faint; the population of classical T Tauri stars, on the other hand, is essentially completely known because of its very prominent Hα emission. This conclusion is corroborated by another new result: when using a photometrically selected, magnitude-limited, complete sample of T Tauri stars and taking the K-L infrared excess as a tracer of circumstellar material, we find no evidence in IC 348 for a difference in X-ray properties of young stars with and without circumstellar matter, i.e., classical and naked T Tauri stars.

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