
We investigated X-ray yield and second-harmonic generation during femtosecond laser drilling of solid targets placed in vacuum or air. Laser pulse intensity was about 1016 W/cm2 and repetition rate was 10 Hz. Hard X-ray yield (E > 2.5 keV) and second-harmonic signal are non-monotone and reach a maximum during formation of microchannel in a target. That indicates that both signals can be utilized as a feedback for monitoring laser energy deposition to the target under laser microdrilling. Spectrum of second harmonic emitted from laser-drilled microchannel is blueshifted regardless of target type or environment (vacuum or air surrounding the target). The blueshift reaches the value of about 30 nm. The spectrum of fundamental radiation backreflected from the microchannel has also corresponding blueshift. This testifies that the cloud of ablated particles accumulates inside the microchannel. Incident laser radiation undergoes self-action inside the cloud, as a result occurs the spectral modification of incident radiation and its second harmonic.

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