
The Gas Pixel Detector, recently developed and continuously improved by Pisa INFN in collaboration with IASF-Roma of INAF, can visualize the tracks produced within a low Z gas by photoelectrons of few keV. By reconstructing the impact point and the original direction of the photoelectrons, the GPD can measure the linear polarization of X-rays, while preserving the information on the absorption point, the energy and the time of individual photons. Applied to X-ray Astrophysics, in the focus of grazing incidence telescopes, it can perform angular resolved polarimetry with a huge improvement of sensitivity, when compared with the conventional techniques of Bragg diffraction at 45° and Compton scattering around 90°. This configuration is the basis of POLARIX and HXMT, two pathfinder missions, and is included in the baseline design of IXO, the very large X-ray telescope under study by NASA, ESA and JAXA.

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