
view Abstract Citations (154) References (2) Co-Reads Similar Papers Volume Content Graphics Metrics Export Citation NASA/ADS X-Ray Observations of Characteristic Structures and Time Variations from the Solar Corona: Preliminary Results from SKYLAB Vaiana, G. S. ; Davis, J. M. ; Giacconi, R. ; Krieger, A. S. ; Silk, J. K. ; Timothy, A. F. ; Zombeck, M. Abstract Examples taken from the 5-054 X-ray telescope observations made during the first Skylab mission show the hot coronal plasma tracing the configuration of the magnetic fields. The high spectral resolution and sensitivity of the instrument has enabled the following two facts to be more firmly established: (a) that the "quiet homogeneous corona" is in fact highly structured and that the structures observed appear to be the results of dispersed active region magnetic fields; and (b) that numerous bright points are distributed randomly on the disk. Their presence at high latitudes may play a role in solar cycle models. In addition, the capability of Skylab for studying time evolution has enabled the restructuring of coronal features to be seen at times of high activity, indicating a restructuring of the coronal magnetic fields. Subject headings:corona, solar - X-rays, solar Publication: The Astrophysical Journal Pub Date: October 1973 DOI: 10.1086/181318 Bibcode: 1973ApJ...185L..47V full text sources ADS |

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