
THE X-ray Analysis Group of the Institute of Physics is to hold its annual conference during July 9-11 at the Royal Institution, Albemarle Street, London. Some sixty scientific workers- from overseas are attending the meeting, which is to consist mainly of accounts of work carried out during the war years on X-ray analysis. Sir Lawrence Bragg is to take the chair at each session and will deliver an evening lecture on “Metals“ at 8 p.m. on July 9. At the morning session of that day, R. W. G. Wyckoff is to give a review of developments in electron microscopy in America during the last six years, to be followed by an account of thermal and other perturbations of crystal structures by K. Lonsdale. In the afternoon, J. Wyart will review the X-ray work carried out at the Sorbonne during the occupation, and W. H. Zachariasen will give an account of the crystal chemistry of rare-earth elements and of thorium, uranium, neptunium, plutonium. On the following day, J. M. Bijvoet will review X-ray researches in Holland, including accounts of crystal structures, application of new methods, lattice distortion and studies on recrystallization. English work on organic structures, including penicillin and hæmoglobin, is then to be reviewed by J. D. Bernal. The afternoon session will include, if is hoped, a review of X-ray work in the U. S. S. R. by a prominent Russian man of science, to be followed by an account of electron microradiography by J. J. Trillat and researches on the applications of radiocrystallography by A. Guinier. The third day of the conference will open with accounts of the crystallography of metals by D. Harker. and of electron diffraction by L. O. Brockway. W. T. Astbury will follow with a review, “X-rays and Biology”, dealing with the complex macromolecules of the proteins, polysaccharides and nucleic acids. The conference is to conclude with a review of Swiss work by P. Scherrer and of work in Sweden by I. Waller. Each morning and afternoon session is planned to give time for discussion. During the proceedings, Sir K. S. Krishnan will talk on the “Diffuse Scattering of Electrons in Metals and Alloys in relation to their Resistivities” and R. C. Evans will give an account of X-ray crystallography in Germany. The conference will be open to all interested without charge, and application to attend should be made as soon as possible to the honorary secretary, Mr. F. A. Bannister, British Museum (Natural History), Cromwell Road, London, S. W. 7, or direct to Dr. H. R. Lang, Institute of Physics, 19 Albemarle Street, London, W. I.

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