
Digital broadcasting is a novel paradigm for the next generation broadcasting. It can offer a new opportunity for interactive services such as content-based browsing, non-linear navigation, usage of user preference, and history, etc. On the other hand, one of the important factors for this new broadcasting environment is the interoperability among providers and consumers since the environment is distributed. Therefore a standard metadata for digital broadcasting is required and TV-Anytime metadata is one of the metadata standards for digital broadcasting. It is defined using XML schema, so its instances are XML data. In order to fulfill interoperability, a standard query language is also required and XQuery, which is a forthcoming standard query language for XML data, is a natural choice. In this paper we propose an efficient XML data management system that supports TV-Anytime metadata, especially using XQuery as a query language. Since the volume of metadata would be very large in real situation, our system considers a relational database system as storage. We implement a prototype system and test performance for various typical queries by comparing our system with other general-purpose systems.KeywordsPath ExpressionXPath ExpressionRelational Database SystemDigital BroadcastingMetadata GeneratorThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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