
Relevance. The presence of pyrogenic impurities in finished dosage forms of concentrated cultural anti-rabies vaccines produced in the Russian Federation is determined using pyrogenicity tests on rabbits (in vivo). In accordance with the decision of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission dated September 7, 2018 N 151 «On the approval of guidelines for drawing up a regulatory document on the quality of a medicinal product», one of the requirements for parenteral drugs is the determination of bacterial endotoxins. This document indicates that the regulatory documentation should include a test and an admissibility criterion for bacterial endotoxins (BE) using the horseshoe crab amoebocyte lysate technique.Aims. Experimental evaluation of the possibility of using the LAL-test to determine bacterial endotoxins in national vaccines for the prevention of rabies.Materials and methods. The research of the drug «Cultural antirabies vaccine concentrated inactivated purified» of national production was carried out in accordance with the National Pharmacopoeia of the Russian Federation, General Pharmacopoeia Monograph OFS. in three modifications: gel-clot test: methods A, B; turbidimetric kinetic test: method C; chromogenic kinetic test: method D.Results. Was investigated 6 series of the national vaccines for the prevention of rabies from two national manufacturers (using three pharmacopoeial methods). LAL reagent produced by two companies (Charles River Endosafe® and Lonza). In order to confirm the reproducibility of the method, the gel-clot test was carried out at different time intervals by one or two operators. During the research was determined the possibility of using photometric methods (method C and D).Conclusions. The research proved the possibility of determining bacterial endotoxins by methods: gel-clot test (method A), turbidimetric kinetic test (method C) and chromogenic kinetic test (method D). Method B is recommended for quantitative analysis of vaccine without instrumental methods. During the research all national vaccines for the prevention of rabies was free from bacterial endotoxins (no more 25 EU/ml).


  • ** For correspondence: Muhacheva Anastasia Vjacheslavovna, leading expert of viral vaccines laboratory, Scientific Center for Expert Evaluation of Medicinal Products. +7 (499) 190-18-18, +7 (495) 625-43-48, +7 (495) 625-43-42, Muhacheva@expmed.ru. ©Muhacheva AV et al Практические аспекты эпидемиологии и вакцинопрофилактики Practical Aspects of Epidemiology and Vaccine Prevention regulatory document on the quality of a medicinal product», one of the requirements for parenteral drugs is the determination of bacterial endotoxins

  • This document indicates that the regulatory documentation should include a test and an admissibility criterion for bacterial endotoxins (BE) using the horseshoe crab amoebocyte lysate technique

  • The research proved the possibility of determining bacterial endotoxins by methods: gel-clot test, turbidimetric kinetic test and chromogenic kinetic test

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Практические аспекты эпидемиологии и вакцинопрофилактики

Экспериментальная оценка возможности применения ЛАЛ-теста для определения бактериальных эндотоксинов в отечественных вакцинах для профилактики бешенства. Экспериментальная оценка возможности применения ЛАЛ-теста для определения бактериальных эндотоксинов в вакцинах для профилактики бешенства. Experimental evaluation of the possibility of using the LAL-test to determine bacterial endotoxins in national vaccines for the prevention of rabies. Введение На сегодняшний день наличие пирогенных примесей в готовых лекарственных формах концентри­ рованных культуральных антирабических вакцин, производимых на территории РФ, определяют с по­ мощью испытаний на кроликах (in vivo). На основании вышеописанного целесообраз­ но определять содержание пирогенных примесей в антирабических вакцинах с помощью ЛАЛ-теста, что позволит повысить их безопасность, а также актуализировать требования к вакцинам для про­ филактики бешенства в соответствии с решением Коллегии Евразийской экономической комиссии. Цель исследования – экспериментальная оценка возможности применения ЛАЛ-теста для определе­ ния бактериальных эндотоксинов в отечественных вакцинах для профилактики бешенства.

Результаты и обсуждение
Отрицательный negative
Numbers of samples
Хромогенный кинетический тест метод D Chromogenic kinetics test Method D
Степень извлечения эндотоксина Spike recovery
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