
Aims.We investigate the evolution of X-ray selected tidal disruption events.Methods.New events are found in near real-time data fromXMM-Newtonslews, and are monitored by multi-wavelength facilities.Results.In August 2016, X-ray emission was detected from the galaxy XMMSL2 J144605.0+685735 (also known as 2MASX 14460522+6857311), that was 20 times higher than an upper limit from 25 years earlier. The X-ray flux was flat for ∼100 days and then fell by a factor of 100 over the following 500 days. The UV flux was stable for the first 400 days before fading by a magnitude, while the optical (U,B,V) bands were roughly constant for 850 days. Optically, the galaxy appears to be quiescent, at a distance of 127 ± 4 Mpc (z = 0.029 ± 0.001) with a spectrum consisting of a young stellar population of 1–5 Gyr in age, an older population, and a total stellar mass of ∼6 × 109 M⊙. The bolometric luminosity peaked atLbol ∼ 1043ergs s−1with an X-ray spectrum that may be modelled by a power law of Γ ∼ 2.6 or Comptonisation of a low-temperature thermal component by thermal electrons. We consider a tidal disruption event to be the most likely cause of the flare. Radio emission was absent in this event down to < 10 μJy, which limits the total energy of a hypothetical off-axis jet toE < 5 × 1050ergs. The independent behaviour of the optical, UV, and X-ray light curves challenges models where the UV emission is produced by reprocessing of thermal nuclear emission or by stream-stream collisions. We suggest that the observed UV emission may have been produced from a truncated accretion disc and the X-rays from Compton upscattering of these disc photons.

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