
We present new X-ray and radio observations of the Wolf-Rayet star EZ CMa (HD 50896) obtained with XMM-Newton and the Very Large Array (VLA). This WN4 star exhibits optical and UV variability at a period of 3.765 days whose cause is unknown. Binarity may be responsible, but the existence of a companion has not been proven. The radio spectral energy distribution of EZ CMa determined from VLA observations at five frequencies is in excellent agreement with predictions for free-free wind emission, and the ionized mass-loss rate allowing for distance uncertainties is = 3.8 (±2.6) × 10-5 M☉ yr-1. The CCD X-ray spectra show prominent Si XIII and S XV emission lines and can be acceptably modeled as an absorbed multitemperature optically thin plasma, confirming earlier ASCA results. Nonsolar abundances are inferred with Fe notably deficient. The X-ray emission is dominated by cooler plasma at a temperature kTcool ≈ 0.6 keV, but a harder component is also detected, and the derived temperature is kThot ≈ 3.0-4.2 keV if the emission is thermal. This is too high to be explained by radiative wind shock models, and the X-ray luminosity of the hard component is 3 orders of magnitude lower than expected for accretion onto a neutron star companion. We show that the hard emission could be produced by the Wolf-Rayet wind shocking onto a normal (nondegenerate) stellar companion at close separation. Finally, using comparable data sets we demonstrate that the X-ray and radio properties of EZ CMa are strikingly similar to those of the WN5-6 star WR 110. This similarity points to common X-ray and radio emission processes in WN stars and discredits the idea that EZ CMa is anomalous within its class.

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