
With XML becoming a promising standard for data storage, describing, transferring and exchanging information on the Internet, data security and privacy protection of XML become the focus of research in recent years. In order to achieve the authorization of legitimate user and ensure the secure access to sensitive information, in this paper, in the context of cloud storage, with the purpose of sharing sensitive XML information, a polynomial authorization scheme with Kerberos authentication was proposed, which was based on the users' access purpose and privacy policy. In this scheme, first, Kerberos authentication was used to identify the user, and then the polynomial whose coefficients were from the leaf node address was used to complete the authorization of user. For the legitimate user, under the interaction of authorization polynomials and the global structure view, authorization matrix is generated dynamically, its temporary and dynamic characteristics greatly improves the security of the system. Finally, with the help of authorization matrix and auxiliary information tables, security queries were successfully completed. The experimental results show that the scheme not only effectively protects XML sensitive data, but also reduces the server's storage pressure, at the same time it is beneficial to the rapid search and information positioning.

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