
The Kidston Collection of fossil plant slides in the Botany Department of the University of Glasgow contains a number of sections of a very notable stem labelled “Lepidodendron textum, Kidston, n.sp.” No mention is made of this species in any of Dr Kidston's publications, but the correspondence relevant to the Collection indicates the history of the slides. This may be briefly summarised.As early as 1883, Dr Kidston had received from Mr J. Coutts two sections (Nos. 51 and 52) of this stem, which had been collected by the latter at East Kilbride, Lanarkshire, Scotland, from the Carboniferous Limestone Series of the Calderwood Beds (Hosie Limestone) in the Lower Limestone Group. Dr Kidston postponed description of this stem till he had better sections at his disposal; the specimen, however, was lost, and it was not till many years later that he rediscovered it in Dr John Young's collection in the Glasgow Municipal Museum, and had more sections cut from it (Nos. 1144–1153). No manuscript notes of Dr Kidston's descriptive of these slides have been found, with the exception of a pencilled reference in his manuscript slide catalogue, opposite Nos. 51 and 52, to the “foliar bundles—there is an appearance as if there was a development of secondary xylem, whereas the axial bundle has no secondary wood.”

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