
The last communication respecting the bones of the Proteo saurus which I laid before the Royal Society, contained so many important facts connected with the skeleton, that there was no room left to hope, I should ever again call the attention of its members to this subject. Yet such has been the exertion made by some persons employed by Colonel Birch, to explore the cliffs at Lyme, in search of fossil organic remains, from an expectation that they will receive the full reward of their labours, that many new specimens have been lately collected; in one of these which Colonel Birch has submitted to my observation, several bones are met with that have not been described, and which give a very important character to the vertebræ, and also form a more complete set of the bones in the fin. Of these I shall give a description, where there appearance is not sufficiently illustrated by the annexed Plate, (Pl. XV).

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