
We present preliminary results of our study of the impact of strong gravity effects on properties of the high energy radiation produced in accretion flows around supermassive black holes. We refine a model of the X-ray emission from a hot optically-th in flow by combining a fully general-relativistic (GR) hydrodynamical description of the flow with a fully GR description of Comptonization. We find that emission from a flow around a rapi dly rotating black hole is dominated by radiation produced within the innermost few gravitational radii, the region where effects of the Kerr metric are strong. The X-ray spectrum from such a fl ow depends on the inclination angle of the line of sight to the symmetry axis, θobs, with higher θobs characterised by a harder slope and a higher cut-off energy. For a non-rotating black hole, dependence on θobs is insignificant. Under the (reasonable) assumption that the equatorial plane of a rotating supermassive black hole is aligned with the surrounding torus, these predicted properties may provide a crucial extension of the unified model of AGNs, allowing to reconcile the model w ith systematic trends reported in a number of studies of the X-ray spectral properties of AGNs (indicating that type 2 objects are harder than type 1 and that the relative amount of the reflecte d radiation is larger in the latter). On the other hand, the model with a rapidly rotating black hole predicts larger apparent luminosities for objects observed at higher θobs, while an opposite property (i.e. type 1 objects being more luminous than type 2) was revealed in the Integral data. We investigate also the hadronic γ-ray emission from hot flows and we find much higher (by orders of magnitude) γ-ray luminosities than estimated in previous studies. If ne arby AGNs contain rapidly rotating black holes and weakly magnetized hot flows, their γ-ray emission should be detectable by current γ-ray detectors.

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