
Ti valence measurements in MgAl_2O_4 spinel from calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions (CAIs) by X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy show that many spinels have predominantly tetravalent Ti, regardless of host phases. The average spinel in Allende type B1 inclusion TS34 has 87% Ti^(+4). Most spinels in fluffy type A (FTA) inclusions also have high Ti valence. In contrast, the rims of some spinels in TS34 and spinel grain cores in two Vigarano type B inclusions have larger amounts of trivalent titanium. Spinels from TS34 have approximately equal amounts of divalent and trivalent vanadium. Based on experiments conducted on CAI-like compositions over a range of redox conditions, both clinopyroxene and spinel should be Ti^(+3)-rich if they equilibrated with CAI liquids under near-solar oxygen fugacities. In igneous inclusions, the seeming paradox of high-valence spinels coexisting with low-valence clinopyroxene can be explained either by transient oxidizing conditions accompanying low-pressure evaporation or by equilibration of spinel with relict Ti^(+4)-rich phases (e.g., perovskite) prior to or during melting. Ion probe analyses of large spinel grains in TS34 show that they are enriched in heavy Mg, with an average Δ^(25)Mg of 4.25 ± 0.028‰, consistent with formation of the spinel from an evaporating liquid. Δ^(25)Mg shows small, but significant, variation, both within individual spinels and between spinel and adjacent melilite hosts. The Δ^(25)Mg data are most simply explained by the low-pressure evaporation model, but this model has difficulty explaining the high Ti^(+4) concentrations in spinel.

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