
I am retiring from the profession and from this position as your book review editor; the very capable Donovan Hardenbrook will be your next editor. I think we have worked out a seamless transition, but Donovan will doubtless bring his energy and innovation to the position.These nearly five years as editor have been a lot of work but a great deal of satisfaction too. This position is the best one in the world for keeping on top of the newest thinking in product development, for being able to see the latest books as—or even before—they are published, and for learning by editing the work of knowledgeable reviewers critically.Some statistics: In nearly five years, we received 560 books for review, reviewed 144 of them, processed 659 review drafts, and discarded about 430 books (mostly to The Prisoners Literature Project). A more modern metric: I received 3,372 e‐mails about book reviews (and probably sent a similar number).Of course, I've had much help, which I would like to acknowledge. Tony Di Benedetto, the journal editor, was a constant source of encouragement and support, and Beebe Nelson, the former book review editor, backed me up. Our 41 active reviewers did the real work, and some of them are prolific reviewers: Mark Hart, George Castellion, Ruediger Klein, and Gerald Mulenburg each reviewed 10 or more books. Kristi Bennett, our copyeditor, has done a wonderful job of ensuring the consistency of these offerings. Finally, we are indebted to about 70 book publishers (technically, imprints) that supplied the review copies gratis.Books reviewed in this issue: X‐Teams: How To Build Teams That Lead, Innovate, and Succeed Edison on Innovation: 102 Lessons in Creativity for Business and Beyond Something Really New: Three Simple Steps to Creating Truly Innovative Products Smart Isn't Enough: Lessons from a Work Performance Coach The Power of Mobility: How Your Business Can Compete and Win in the Next Technology Revolution

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