
On Suśruta's great textbook on General Medicine (Āyurveda Saṁhitā) we possess at present only one complete commentary. This is Ḍallana's Nibandha Saṁgraha. It was printed by Jīvānanda Vidyāsāgara in Calcutta in 1891, and in the following pages the references are to that edition. Ḍallana's date is somewhere between 1060 and 1260 a.d. The earlier year, as Dr. Cordier has pointed out (Journal Asiatique, 1901, Note Bibliogṛaphique, p. 10), is the date of Cakrapāṇidatta, whom Ḍallana quotes (p. 1245), while he himself is cited by Hemādri at the latter date. Cakrapāṇidatta is known to have written a commentary on Suśruta's textbook, which bears the name of Bhānumatī; but only a small portion of it has survived, viz. that on the first Section, or Sūtra Sthāna. There is a manuscript of this Section in the India Office Library, No. 908 (Cat., No. 2647, p. 928). Nearly the whole of it, also, has been printed in Calcutta by Kavirāj Gangā Prasāda Sen in his edition of “ Suśruta's Saṁhitā with Commentaries ” (cited hereafter).

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