
Results of an investigation of the X-ray properties of quasars conducted using the Einstein Observatory (HEAO 2) are reported. The positions, fluxes and luminosities of 35 known quasars were observed by the Einstein high-resolution imaging detector and the imaging proportional counter. Assuming optical redshifts as valid distance indicators, 0.5-4.5 keV X-ray luminosities ranging from 10 to the 43rd to 10 to the 47 ergs/sec are obtained, with evidence of very little cold gas absorption. Flux variability on a time scale of less than 10,000 sec is observed for the quasar OX 169, which implies a mass between 8 x 10 to the 5th and 2 x 10 to the 8th solar masses for the black hole assumed to be responsible for the emission. Preliminary results of the quasar survey also indicate that quasars contribute significantly to the diffuse X-ray background.

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