
This paper reports on the X-ray emission from BL Lacertae during its July 1997 outburst as observed with the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE), compares the RXTE data to previous measurements, and interprets the overall electromagnetic emission in the context of the currently popular theoretical models. The source is bright and variable, with the 2 - 10 keV flux approximately two to three and a half times higher than measured in November 1995 by {\sl Asca}. The spectrum is also harder, with power law energy indices of $\sim 0.4 - 0.6$, compared to $\sim 0.9$ in Nov. 1995. Both in the optical band, where BL Lacertae now shows broad emission lines, and in the X-ray band, where the spectrum is hard, the overall electromagnetic distribution of BL Lacertae is similar to that observed in blazars associated with quasars rather than to that seen in the more common High-energy - peaked BL Lac - type objects (HBLs). We argue that the high energy (X-ray and $\gamma$-ray) emission from BL Lacertae consists of two spectral components: X-rays are produced by Comptonization of synchrotron radiation, while the $\gamma$-rays produced by Comptonization of the broad emission line flux.

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