
摘要 本工作是用X射线衍射法测量锗、硅和合金InSb及GaAs在不同温度的点阵常数,观察它们的热膨涨,并求得它们的膨涨系数。 Abstract The thermal expansion of the crystal lattices of germanium, silicon, and the alloys InSb and GaAs has been measured by the hightemperature X-ray diffraction method. The coefficients in the expansion equation αt=α0(1+αt+βt2+γt3+δt4)for the materials investigated were found to be as follows: Germanium (99.9999% purity, in the temperature range 0-900℃): α=5.019×10-6, β=1.230×10-9, γ=5.420×10-12, δ=-4.000×10-15 and α0, the lattice parameter at 0℃, is 5.64573 kX. Silicon (99.9999% purity, 0-900℃): α=3.893×10-6, β=-2.101×10-9, γ=5.125×10-12, δ=-1.833×10-15 and α0=5.41921 kX. InSb (zone-refined, 0-500℃):α=5.724×10-6, β=-0.036×10-9, γ=-0.050×10-12, δ=0.166×10-15 and α0=6.46420 kX. GaAs(zone-refined, 0-750℃): α=6.174×10-6, β=0.140×10-9, γ=-1.425×10-12, δ=2.282×10-15 and α0=5.64037 kX. The lattice parameters at various temperatures calculated with these constants are in excellent agreement with the observed values. 作者及机构信息 萧楠, 刘益焕 1. 中国科学院 Authors and contacts SHAW NAN, LIU YI-HUAN 1. 中国科学院 参考文献 [1] 施引文献

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