
ELETTRA (http://www.elettra.trieste.it/index.html) is a third generation synchrotronradiation source facility operating at Trieste, Italy, and hosts a wide range of researchactivities in advanced materials analysis and processing, biology and nano-scienceat several various beam lines. The energy spectrum of ELETTRA allows x-raynano-lithography using soft (1.5 keV) and hard x-ray (10 keV) wavelengths. TheLaboratory for Interdisciplinary Lithography (LIILIT) was established in 1998 as part of anItalian national initiative on micro- and nano-technology project of INFM and is funded andsupported by the Italian National Research Council (CNR), INFM and ELETTRA. LILIThad developed two dedicated lithographic beam lines for soft (1.5 keV) and hard x-ray(10 keV) for micro- and nano-fabrication activities for their applications in engineering,science and bio-medical applications. In this paper, we present a summary of our researchactivities in micro- and nano-fabrication involving x-ray nanolithography at LILIT’s softand hard x-ray beam lines.

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