
The quantitative and qualitative mineralogy of fine-grained Devonian Uralian bauxites was studied by X-ray powder methods. The problem of recognition and estimation of abundance of hydrous aluminum oxides, particularly diaspore and boehmite, in bauxites was resolved by comparing unknowns with standards prepared from monomineralic, genetically related bauxites. By utilizing the line intensities of the (221) and (151) reflections of diaspore and boehmite, respectively, a quantitative accuracy of a 10 percent was realized if these minerals constituted more than 55 percent of the total sample. In some instances it was found necessary to remove minerals interfering with the estimation of relative intensities of the diaspore and boehmite lines. The X-ray method suggested is applied to red jasper-like bauxites, which are then divided into boehmite, diaspore-boehmite-diaspore, diaspore-boehmite, boehmite-diaspore, and diaspore varieties. R. O. De Rudder

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