
AbstractCompton scattering of 10 keV X‐rays by single crystals of beryllium is performed using the synchrotron radiation beam provided by the LURE‐DCI storage ring of Orsay. By means of a three‐axes spectrometer the scattering of the monochromatized beam, the spectral analysis by a focusing curved crystal, and the detection by a position sensitive counter are performed. A resolution of 0.15 momentum at. units is obtained. Seven directional profiles are measured with 106 counts in each of them. Anisotropies of the Compton profiles and of their Fourier transforms are compared to those predicted by the available theories. None of the models gives a good description of the profiles especially in the region of the Fermi momentum. The pseudopotential calculation is in a qualitative agreement with the momentum distribution anisotropy.

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