
Batteries with inorganic solid-state electrolytes (ISSE) are attracting notable interest for next-generation systems implementing Lithium (Li) metal anodes, in view of achieving higher energy densities combined with superior safety. Notwithstanding extensive research and development work, this technology is not yet ready for industrial implementation, one of the key challenges being the stability of ISSEs, chiefly at the anodic interface. This work attacks this issue for the specific case of the LAGP/Li (Lithium Aluminium Germanium Phosphate/Lithium) interface with a micro-spectroscopic approach centred on post mortem Scanning Transmission X-ray Microscopy (STXM) of intact LMO/LAGP/Li thin-film batteries, microfabricated in discharged state. Pristine and cycled cells were mapped to pinpoint morphochemical changes, induced by electrochemical ageing. The evidenced shape changes, corresponding to mechanical damaging of the solid/solid electrodic interfaces correlate with LAGP decomposition at the anode, leading to reduction of Ge, whereas the chemical state at the cathodic interface is preserved. Thanks to its submicron spacial resolution, the STXM at the Ge L-edge and O K-edge spectra allowed to assess the highly localized nature of the chemical transformation of LAGP and its correlation with the formation of Li outgrowth features. • Scanning X-ray Microscopy of local degradation at the Lithium-LAGP interface in a thin-film battery. • STXM maps revealed morphochemical changes induced by electrochemical ageing. • Germanium chemical state changes occur only at the anode-electrolyte interface.

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