
The simplest orientifolds of the WZW models are obtained by gauging a \({\mathbb{Z}_2}\) symmetry group generated by a combined involution of the target Lie group G and of the worldsheet. The action of the involution on the target is by a twisted inversion \({g\mapsto(\zeta g)^{-1}}\), where ζ is an element of the center of G. It reverses the sign of the Kalb-Ramond torsion field H given by a bi-invariant closed 3-form on G. The action on the worldsheet reverses its orientation. An unambiguous definition of Feynman amplitudes of the orientifold theory requires a choice of a gerbe with curvature H on the target group G, together with a so-called Jandl structure introduced in [31]. More generally, one may gauge orientifold symmetry groups \({\Gamma=\mathbb{Z}_2\times Z}\) that combine the \({\mathbb{Z}_2}\)-action described above with the target symmetry induced by a subgroup Z of the center of G. To define the orientifold theory in such a situation, one needs a gerbe on G with a Z-equivariant Jandl structure. We reduce the study of the existence of such structures and of their inequivalent choices to a problem in group-Γ cohomology that we solve for all simple simply connected compact Lie groups G and all orientifold groups \({\Gamma=\mathbb{Z} _2\times Z}\).

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