
Students have various needs. One of them is the need for religion. It is precisely religion that allows for the satisfaction of the need for transcendence and enables, at least some people, to cope with the problems of their existence. The process of education and upbringing, as well as care for the student takes place in various places and is carried out by various institutions. One of them can be churches and religious entities. This religious need can be fulfilled through the student’s access to liturgy and participation in liturgical and musical traditions. The aim of the work is to present selected musical and liturgical traditions of Opole Silesia and the changes that took place after the reform of the Second Vatican Council. The source materials for this publication will be the Constitution on the Holy Liturgy Sacrosanctum Concilium and the Instruction on Music in the Holy Liturgy Musicam Sacram. The point of support will be the documents located in the Diocesan Archives in Opole. The author will also use documents of the Polish Episcopate, which provide detailed guidelines regarding changes in liturgical music after the Second Vatican Council, as well as documents regarding organists, choirs and the musical formation of the WMSD in Opole. The collected material will allow for the synthetic implementation of the indicated purpose of the work using the analytical and critical method. The repertoire of church songs in the Opole diocese reflects new liturgical creativity. It also indicates the practice of constantly maintaining a specific canon of old songs. The tradition of church songs in Silesia was preserved thanks to the songbook Droga do nieba. Musically, they prefer psalmodic, responsorial and dialogue structures. In performance practice, this requires more frequent participation of the schola, choir or cantor. The Church in Poland has chosen the path of reception of the reform and renewal of the post-conciliar liturgy. This does not mean that this road has been completed. The reception process is still ongoing and awaits our active participation in it. Research on the reception of the conciliar Constitution on the liturgy in the diocese of Opole showed that the post-conciliar liturgical renewal had to take into account local historical conditions and the resulting specificity of religious and liturgical life (including the current bilingualism of the liturgy).

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