
As you are aware, the 3rd Congress of the World Union of Wound Healing Societies (WUWHS) is being held in Toronto in early June. For those of our readers not familiar with the WUWHS allow me to provide a synopsis if its vision and mission. What is the World Union of Wound Healing Societies and what is their mission and vision? Mission: To Enhance the Life of Persons with Wounds Worldwide. Vision: The World Union of Wound Healing Societies will: Improve wound care standards for patients, healthcare professional performance and to facilitate universal access in all health care systems. Educate all health care professionals in interdisciplinary team approaches that deliver best practices for improved patient outcomes. Disseminate the educational and training toolkits created in practical, relevant and adaptable formats to meet local needs including developed, developing and emerging health care systems. Appraise and organize the evidence base to facilitate best practices to optimize patient care. Co-ordinate a world wide exchange of information between wound societies and other relevant stakeholders including international and global agencies. Since its birth in Melbourne in 2000 the WUWHS has made significant progress with regards to many issues on a global basis. These include reimbursement consensus evidence initiatives all of which will be highlighted at Toronto. The reimbursement initiative has focused on the many issues faced by all caregivers, on a global basis, with regards to product availability and more importantly funding. This has been supported by industry and has produced a discussion document that is increasingly seen as producing a set of important criteria and challenges for future reimbursement of dressings. The WUWHS produced its first consensus document on pain at dressing change in 2004. The second consensus on exudate was launched in 2007. The congress in Toronto will hopefully see the launch of a number of new statements on compression, diagnostics, negative pressure therapy and infection in addition to revisiting the issue of pain. The most recent World Union initiative has been that surrounding the supporting evidence base for wound healing. This initiative ties intimately with the reimbursement issue as many authorities require strong evidence to consider any payment for wound care products. As with all initiatives of the World Union integration, for the benefit of the further development of wound care as a specialty on a global basis remains our focus. If I can compare the World Union to a school pupil, I would suggest that we are now entering our secondary education. The past 8 years have seen the maturing of the World Union and with the clarity of its vision and mission, in addition to its many global initiatives and supporting materials is well positioned to enter it next growth period prior to Congress 2012. The World Union has developed dramatically under the stewardship of Dr Luc Teot, and as his tenure as President comes to an end and we see Dr Gary Sibbald providing leadership for the next four years we can certainly look forward to the further development and maturity of the World Union as a global organization. Look forward to Toronto – look forward to the next 4 years of World Union growth!

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