
The exponential growth of Web service makes building high-quality service-oriented applications an urgent and crucial research problem. User-side QoS evaluations of Web services are critical for selecting the optimal Web service from a set of functionally equivalent service candidates. Since QoS performance of Web services is highly related to the service status and network environments which are variable against time, service invocations are required at different instances during a long time interval for making accurate Web service QoS evaluation. However, invoking a huge number of Web services from user-side for quality evaluation purpose is time-consuming, resource-consuming, and sometimes even impractical (e.g., service invocations are charged by service providers). To address this critical challenge, this paper proposes a Web service QoS prediction framework, called WSPred, to provide time-aware personalized QoS value prediction service for different service users. WSPred requires no additional invocation of Web services. Based on the past Web service usage experience from different service users, WSPred builds feature models and employs these models to make personalized QoS prediction for different users. The extensive experimental results show the effectiveness and efficiency of WSPred. Moreover, we publicly release our real-world time-aware Web service QoS dataset for future research, which makes our experiments verifiable and reproducible.

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