
The DETERMINE project (2007–2010) was coordinated by EuroHealth-Net and there were 24 countries involved. It was an EU consortium for action on the socio-economic determinants of health (SDH). The overall objective was to mobilize action for health equity in the European Union, especially through achieving greater awareness and capacity amongst decision makers in all policy sectors to take health and health equity into consideration when developing policy and to strengthen collaboration between health and other sectors. Several phases of activities were carried out e.g.: identification of actions and policies addressing the socio-economic determinants of health inequalities (SDHI) in UE member states, recognition of innovative approaches in the context of SDH and selection of three small pilot projects with promising approach, consultations with politicians and policy makers outside the health sector on their attitude towards SDHI and their role in achieving health equity, identification of economic analyses addressing SDHI. There were also capacity building and awareness raising activities carried out by DETERMINE partners, such us: skills development, partnership development, leadership, awareness raising and advocacy.

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