
The subjects of the article are to discover the origin and meaning of PSl. suffix * -ak- and determiners * v ьχ ak ъ and * edinak ъ /* ed ь nak ъ formed with that suffix as well as to establish evolutionary paths and motivation senses as a result of which function meanings of derivatives of the determiners in question have been specified in Slavic languages. The description of their origin and development plays an important role both in determining the etymology of such words as Czech vsak and jednak , and in examining theoretical issues on depronominal function words. The article offers some methodological solutions for examining the history of contemporary metatextual and metapredicative expressions. The study of the origin of the linguistic phenomena connected with the semantic development of the object level of language into the metatextual level requires not only considering the characteristics of these expressions at the relevant lexical level, but also in interaction with morphological and syntactic levels, and perhaps the phonological level as well (cf. questions of apocope and phonological changes related to the transition of given expressions to the class of enclitics). Etymological research, in special cases, should be supported by both the analysis of language systems lower than the examined one (which is in fact the basis of the contemporary etymological observations) as well as an analysis of language systems higher than the examined one, which is a special procedure in etymological description of conjunctions, particles, metapredicative operators etc. Further syntactic and textual analysis in etymological research can shed different light on the etymology of metatextual phenomena.

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