
Fire is one of the most obliterating dangers to our woods. Fire is an outstanding servant but a poor boss (Manoj Kumar Jhariya and Ahishek Raj). Wildfire not only destroys flora and their diversity but also significant long-term negative impacts on fauna including wildlife. The degree of fire-related consequences for wild creature networks by and large relies upon the degree of changes in natural surroundings structure and fire-caused species piece(Manoj Kumar Jhariya and Ahishek Raj). Fires mainly affect animals through impacts on their habitat. Fires often cause short-term increases in wildlife food which contribute to an increase in some animal populations(Jack Lyon,Mark H. Huff, Robert G. Hooper).Due to this kind of forest fire wild animals have to suffer from many things like their living style, injury, habitat loses and sometimes they died. This paper proposed a wireless sensor-based prototype architecture that implement using various sensor on the monitoring area and gather useful data from that area than these data are processed in a central server and passed to the concern person or department as alert or notification like smoke alert and how many wild animals are near that fire.

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