
Radiative heat transfer strongly influences pollutant emission prediction in combustion systems. In this work, the weighted sum of gray gas (WSGG) models have been developed for calculating radiative heat transfer in hydrogen and hydrogen-mixture flames. The total pressure effect on cut-off width of the Lorentz line profile is analyzed and properly considered in the line by line (LBL) calculations. Based on the LBL benchmark results, two sets of WSGG model correlations have been proposed for H2O and its mixture with CO2 at a molar ratio (Mr) of 3, representing the typical combustion products of the hydrogen and a hydrogen-rich mixture (e.g., 50% hydrogen and 50% methane). The WSGG models are applicable and accurate with a total pressure ranging from 1 to 60 atm. Partial pressure is explicitly applied as an independent variable in the model coefficients to account for its nonlinear effect on gas emissivity, which is particularly important for a participating gas medium with a large amount of H2O at a total pressure below 5 atm. Detailed studies are carried out to solve radiative heat transfer in non-isothermal and non-homogeneous gas media at different conditions. Results show improvement over the existing WSGG models at the atmospheric pressure and have good agreement with LBL solutions under various conditions.

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