
The objective of this article is to analyze Apollos’ linguistic personality and answer the question whether the linguistic personality of a priest-scholar, author of grammar writings, public figure of the 18th century can be exemplary during the formation of a modern educator’s linguistic personality. Methodology. To solve the declared problem, a comparative analysis of the modern Russian teacher and scholar of the past’s linguistic personality was done. This became possible due to the use of sociolinguistic methods – questionnaire survey and interview, as well as to the use of Yu. N. Karaulov method of analysis of linguistic personality, M.K. Petrov concept of sociocode and G. Lakoff cognitive metaphor theory. The main findings of the research: 1) it has revealed problems of modern education; 2) identified and described Apollos’ value orientations, transmitted to students; 3) formulated a scientific hypothesis: it is necessary to use the writings of linguists/philologists and educators of the past as a basis for the formation of linguistic personality of a modern educator, tutor, mentor, facilitator because linguistic personality of previous centuries’ scholars and methodologists can be recognized as a model linguistic personality for a teacher of Russian language and literature. Application of research findings. The research findings can be introduced to a number of academic disciplines such as “Educator’s professional personality”, “Sociolinguistics”, “Cultural linguistics”, “Communicative-speech training”, “Academic eloquence”, “Genres of academic discourse”, “Stylistics”, “Russian language in the sociolinguistic aspect”, “Sociolinguistic foundations of communication”, etc.), they will also be essential in developing continuing (lifelong) education courses for teaching staff specializing in “Linguistic personality of a tutor: history and contemporaneity”. The novelty and originality of this research stems from the fact that 1) the analysis of pedagogical discourse was carried out in two time slices – year of 2019 and 18th century, that allowed to reveal the specificity of a Russian language and literature teacher’s linguistic personality in synchrony and diachrony, 2) Apollos’ grammar was for the first time explored within the anthropocentric paradigm, 3) the prospects for further study are seen in taking from the best of the past philology to the matrix of modern education.

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