
In this article, the author merges biographical notes, autoethnography and experimental writing to situate his migrant self as a self that performs through writing, i.e. planned, experimental writing that subverts the centrality of the monolingual heterosexual identity. He explores the intersections of time, desire, and power across time and space, crossing national and linguistic borders and changing legal, ‘marital’ and work status in Argentina, the United States and Italy. In particular, in addressing the exclusion of immigrants from the current Italian Civil Union law project (written and presented to parliament by gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender [GLBT] political representatives), his presentation criticizes any romanticized version of a homogeneous queer community. This is a piece that questions the existence of regular, pre-existing identities that are distributed within the space of the nation. An interpretive perspective like this one criticizes the reification of the nation as an object or essence, inhabited by groups of people whose nationality defines their cultural identities (e.g., the Italians) or groups of people whose sexual choices define who they are (e.g. the homosexuals). Against this view, the author explores personal and political contexts where the self performs a critique of national, sexual and ethnic boundaries. This writing choice is a political one, for it makes audible subjectivities that escape the historic or current distribution of roles and identities imposed by multicultural politics or academic impositions.

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