
(Cell 139, 405–415; October 16, 2009) In the above article, Figure 2A is stated to summarize data from Figures 1A and 1B; however, we inadvertently displayed a plot of a different data set that was collected with a similar but slightly different experimental design. The data in Figures 1A and 1B are from an experiment in which one group of flies underwent mock conditioning and an independent group was conditioned with electric shock, whereas the data in Figure 2A were from an experiment in which the same population of flies sequentially underwent mock conditioning and actual conditioning. We provide here a corrected graph for Figure 2A plotting the data from Figure 1. The new plot does not affect the description of the results in the paper or the conclusions drawn. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this error. Writing Memories with Light-Addressable Reinforcement CircuitryClaridge-Chang et al.CellOctober 16, 2009In BriefDopaminergic neurons are thought to drive learning by signaling changes in the expectations of salient events, such as rewards or punishments. Olfactory conditioning in Drosophila requires direct dopamine action on intrinsic mushroom body neurons, the likely storage sites of olfactory memories. Neither the cellular sources of the conditioning dopamine nor its precise postsynaptic targets are known. By optically controlling genetically circumscribed subsets of dopaminergic neurons in the behaving fly, we have mapped the origin of aversive reinforcement signals to the PPL1 cluster of 12 dopaminergic cells. Full-Text PDF Open Archive

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