
The current study aimed at exploring difficulties that university students face when they write in English as a Foreign Language (EFL). It also aimed at proposing solutions to help EFL learners overcome writing difficulties. The sample of the study comprised 82 English majors from the World Islamic Sciences and Education University in Jordan. Instruments of the study included a questionnaire on difficulties that may face English majors while they write in English. The questionnaire also included an open-ended question on suggestions and solutions that can help the students overcome writing difficulties. The results revealed that “lack of ideas” topped difficulties faced by Jordanian EFL students in writing class, followed by “the incorrect use of mechanics of writing”. The study also revealed that “lack of clear assessment instruments and marking schemes” occupied the third rank, while “time restriction” ranked fourth. “The unsuitable methods of teaching writing” and “vocabulary restriction” occupied the fifth and sixth ranks respectively, while “topic inappropriateness” and “lack of materials for consulting” occupied the seventh and eighth ranks. Finally, “grammar difficulties” and “lack of teacher's help” ranked ninth and tenth respectively. The study proposed a number of suggestions and solutions to help EFL learners overcome writing difficulties.

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