
ABSTRACTIt can be a daunting task to keep track of everything related to the management of electronic resources, including vendor licenses. What terms does the university/State/Province require in a license agreement? What cannot be in the license agreement? Where exactly are you in that process? Is it under review? Sent for signature? With the university’s legal office? Waiting on the vendor? Is it in the electronic resource management (ERM) system? Is it filed (either print or electronic or both)? Two librarians presented their use of open source tools for managing the licensing workflow. Alexis Linoski discussed how to use Trello to manage the license workflow at the Georgia Institute of Technology from receipt to entry in the ERM. Carolyn Carpan discussed how the Collection Strategies Unit at the University of Alberta Libraries is working on a project to display usage rights to users, using the Centralized Online Resources Acquisitions and Licensing module.

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